UGC Approved Journal
ISSN (Online) : 2319 - 6734         ISSN (Print) : 2319 - 6726

Best Paper Awards - 2019

Month : January-2019
Authors : Adon Gnangui Christian, Oulare Sekouba....
Country : Cote d'Ivoire
Affiliation : (Centre Universitaire de Recherche d'Application en Teledetection (CURAT)/ Universite Felix Houphouet-Boigny, Côte d'Ivoire
Title : Extraction automatique des lineaments a l'aide d'images satellitaires optique et radar en milieu de socle precambrien (Haute Marahoue, Cote d'Ivoire)

Month : February-2019
Authors : Valentino Straser, Daniele Cataldi, Gabriele Cataldi
Country : Rome
Affiliation : Department of Science and Environment UPKL Brussels
Title : Registration of Pre-Seismic Signals Related to the Mediterranean Area with the RDF System Developed by the Radio Emissions Project

Month : March-2019
Authors : Prof. Shia Chau Sen, Pos Dr. Engenharia de Producao
Country : Portugal
Affiliation : Shia, Khaohun, Mestre em Eng. Elétrica
Title : Synaptic Neural Artificial Network (RNAS): A Mathematical Model of Learning, Knowledge, Search and Predictability with Application of Artificial Intelligence

Month : April-2019
Authors : Savitha A L, Dr. B C Nagendra Prasad
Country : India
Affiliation : Research Scholar, MIT, Mysore, Karnataka, India
Title : Impact of Urbanization and Industrialization on Ground Water and Soil Quality - Dasarahalli Zone, Bangalore City

Month : May-2019
Authors : Guy-Roger Gnahoua Gnazale, Nicaise Ayan'guessan Nee Okoubo
Country : Cote d'Ivoire
Affiliation : Centre universitaire de recherche et d'application en télédétection (CURAT). Université F. H. Boigny, Abidjan, Cocody
Title : Contribution De La Géomatique A La Cartographie Du Risque Schistosomien Par Analyse Multicritere Dans Ledistrict Autonome De Yamoussoukro Et La Region Du Belier. (Centre De Cote D'ivoire)

Month : June-2019
Authors : Owoseni, J. O, Atigro, E. O
Country : Nigeria
Affiliation : Department of Applied Geology, Federal University of Technology, Akure, Nigeria
Title : Engineering geological investigation of highway pavement failure in basement complex terrain of southwestern Nigeria

Month : July-2019
Authors : Okeke Ignatius Emeka, Okagu T. T., Okonkwo V.O., Ezeagu A. C.
Country : Nigeria
Affiliation : Department of Civil Engineering, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Nigeria
Title : Effect of municipal solid waste leachate on the Geotechnical properties of soil

Month : August-2019
Authors : Indu Saxena, Jaya Triathi
Country : India
Affiliation : Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry, University of Lucknow, Lucknow (U.P) 226007, India
Title : Biodegradability Enhancement of Polymer Polylactic Acid (PLA) by using Ultrasonic and Rheological Techniques

Month : September-2019
Authors : Pablo Andres Zapata Morales, EverAngel Fuentes Rojas
Country : Colombia
Affiliation : (Industrial Engineering, Universidad libre, Colombia)
Title : Improvement of the procedures performed during theTurnaround time of an airline in theairport of Bogota

Month : October-2019
Authors : Saturnin Ndotit Manguiengha, Christian Mikolo-Yobo....
Country : Gabon
Affiliation : Institut de Recherche en Ecologie Tropicale (IRET), Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique et Technique (CENAREST), BP. 13 354, Libreville-Gabon
Title : Contribution de la télédétection satellite et du SIG à la gestion durable des mangroves anthropisées de la forêt de la Mondah ; nord-ouest du Gabon

Month : November-2019
Authors : D.Srinivasa Rao , Kadari Rasagnya
Country : India
Affiliation : Electronics and Communication Engineering, JNTUH College of Engineering, India
Title : Performance Evaluation of Enhanced Energy Efficient Multipath Routing Protocol in Wireless Sensor Networks

Month : December-2019
Authors : Igwe, N. N., Chukwujindu, C.N
Country : Nigeria
Affiliation : Projects Development Institute (PRODA), Enugu, Nigeria
Title : Preparation, characterization, and study of effect of particle sizes on different loading of polymer matrix composites using sugarcane bark fiber

IJESI Citation Report New
  All Since 2012
 Citation  200 195
 h-index 13 12
 i10-index 4 4

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